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Informativa Privacy

Welcome to the Stige Internet site (this "Site"), of Alessio Gnecco. Stige and Alessio Gnecco want you to know what information we learn about you when you visit this Site, what we do with that information and any other information you voluntarily provide us through this Site or by other means and how you can view or change the information we have. This privacy policy describes our information collection and use practices on this Site. It does not apply to information you might provide on another site operated by us, or one of our partners or affiliates, nor does it apply to information you may provide to us through electronic mail.

There are 2 types of information that we can learn about you as you browse and use this site. Each type of information can be used in a different way.

1.Internet-related information - generic statistical and demographic information that we gather passively from visitors to the Site.

2.Personal information that you provide when registering, requesting services online or making contact with us.

1. Internet-related information gathered passively
We collect Internet-related Information from visitors to our Site, including the referring URL, your IP address, which browser you used to come to the Site, the country, state or province, the pages of our Site that you viewed during your visit and any search terms entered on our Site, for the purposes of system administration, to gather broad demographic information, and to monitor the level of activity on our Site. We track customers' traffic patterns throughout their online sessions, including which pages or specific URLs a customer views while using the Site. We use your Internet-related Information to diagnose problems with our servers and software and to administer our Site. We may share aggregated statistics about pages viewed on our Site, demographic information and sales and other shopping information with third parties to enrich your visitor experience.

2. Actively collected personal information you provide
If you provide information about yourself by filling out a form or otherwise voluntarily telling us about yourself or your activities, we will collect and use that Personal Information to respond to your request, and for other business purposes, including identifying customer preferences and improving our services and the content of this Site. We may also contact you by email, regular mail, fax, text message, or telephone from time to time with information about our services, upcoming events and changes to this Site. If you do not wish to be contacted by all or any of these methods, you may let us know by sending an email message to us at Please be sure to give us exact name and address, and your detailed request so we can respond appropriately.

How to access or modify your personal information
You have the right to access and modify your Personal Information. You can change part or all of your information. Submit your changes and your Profile will be updated immediately. You may also contact us at

If you provide us with your consent, we may share your Personal Information with our affiliates and business partners with whom we have joint marketing arrangements. We may also give you the opportunity, at the time that you provide us with your contact information, to have your information shared with other third parties or posted on this site for reasons we will describe at the time we make the request. If you do not want us to share your Personal Information with our marketing affiliates and business partners, then please let us know by contacting us at
We employ other companies to perform certain functions on our behalf, such as accounting, specialised consultancy and services related to the design, maintenance and improvement of this Site and our database and related systems. These companies have access to your information. Regardless of whether you have provided us with consent, we will share your information with those companies that perform certain functions on our behalf under contract to us, and as may be necessary to comply with applicable laws, police investigations, or in legal proceedings where disclosure of such information is relevant and permitted by law. Stige and Alessio Gnecco will also assign, sell, license, or otherwise transfer to a third party your name, address, e-mail address, member name and any other Personal Information in connection with an assignment, sale, joint venture, or other transfer or disposition of a portion or all of the Stige service.

On this Site, we may provide as a convenience to you links to other websites, including sites operated by us, our partners, associates, or independent third parties. These links are provided as a convenience to you. Each website has its own privacy practices, as described in that site's privacy policy. Those practices may be different than the practices described herein, and we urge you to read each website's privacy policy carefully before you use or submit information to that site. Additionally, to the extent that you follow a link to a website operated by an independent third party, please be aware that we exercise no authority or control over that third party, and cannot and are not responsible for any information that you may submit at that site.
Where do we store and how do we secure your personal information
Your Personal Information will be kept in a database held on servers kept in a physically and technologically secure environment located in Genoa, Italy, accessed only by authorised personnel or contractors who are bound to keep your information confidential. We have in place procedures for training our employees about their obligations under this Privacy Policy, disciplining them for failure to follow this Policy. We also have in place internal procedures to confirm general company compliance with this Policy. Although we will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of any Personal Information collected, we will not be liable for disclosure of Personal Information obtained due to errors in transmission or the unauthorized acts of third parties.
We reserve the right to change or update this policy at any time by posting a notice that we are changing our privacy policy or by sending an e-mail message to previously registered visitors.

If you need information or have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our use of your Personal Information, or wish to review all of your Personal Information, you may contact us via e-mail at or via mail at Via Giordano Bruno 30, Genoa, Italy.
This policy is effective as of November 5, 2008


LE RICORDIAMO CHE AI SENSI DELLA VIGENTE NORMATIVA IN MATERIA DI TUTELA DEI DATI PERSONALI (D.Lgs. n.196/2003) NON POSSIAMO TRATTARE DATI SENSIBILI (dati personali idonei a rilevare l'origine razziale ed etnica, le convinzioni religiose, filosofiche o di altro genere, le opinioni politiche, l'adesione a partiti, sindacati, associazioni od organizzazioni a carattere religioso, filosofico, politico o sindacale, nonché i dati personali idonei a rivelare lo stato di salute e la vita sessuale).

"Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali".
Ai sensi dell’art. 13 del d. lgs. n. 196/2003 (ex art. 10 Legge n. 675/1996), Vi informiamo che i dati personali da Voi forniti, compresi dati di traffico, di fatturazione e dati relativi all’ubicazione, saranno trattati, anche con l’ausilio di strumenti elettronici, direttamente e/o tramite terzi, per le seguenti finalità:

1. Finalità strettamente connesse alla instaurazione e gestione del rapporto contrattuale e all’erogazione del servizio (quali la fatturazione, la gestione dei reclami, l’invio di informazioni o comunque di servizio, ecc.). Tale trattamento riguarda anche, più specificatamente, l’attività svolta da società di nostra fiducia che svolgono per nostro conto compiti di natura tecnica, organizzativa e contabile. In relazione alle predette finalità i dati potranno essere comunicati anche ad altri soggetti, in Italia e all’estero, compresi paesi non appartenenti all’Unione Europea. Pertanto, l’eventuale rifiuto a fornire tali dati potrà determinare l’impossibilità di instaurare il rapporto contrattuale o di proseguire l’erogazione del servizio.

2. Finalità connesse alla tutela del rischio del credito (quali acquisizione di informazioni preliminari alla conclusione del rapporto contrattuale ed esecuzione di operazioni sulla base degli obblighi derivanti dal rapporto contrattuale stesso); in relazione alle predette finalità, i dati potranno essere comunicati a soggetti terzi che prestino servizi relativi alla gestione del rischio di credito (quali centri di elaborazione dati, banche, centrali rischi, società di recupero credito, legali, ecc.). Il consenso al trattamento dei dati per le predette finalità è facoltativo e potrà essere revocato.

3. Finalità funzionali alla nostra attività quali ricerche di mercato, analisi economiche e statistiche, commercializzazione, invio materiale pubblicitario/informativo/promozionale e di aggiornamenti su iniziative e offerte volte a premiare i Clienti. Tali attività potranno riguardare prodotti e servizi della nostra società nonché di partner commerciali e potranno essere eseguite anche attraverso un sistema automatizzato di chiamata, senza l’intervento di un operatore, posta elettronica, telefax e messaggi di tipo MMS (Multimedia Message Service) e SMS (Short Message Service). Il consenso al trattamento dei dati per predette finalità è facoltativo e potrà essere revocato. In caso di mancato consenso o revoca, potrete comunque fruire del Servizio, ma i Vostri dati non potranno essere trattati per le finalità descritte nel presente punto.

L’eventuale rifiuto o l’omessa manifestazione del consenso al trattamento dei dati personali per le finalità sopra descritte non implica revoca del consenso precedentemente prestato. Il Titolare del trattamento e della banca dati è Alessio Gnecco, via Giordano Bruno 30, Genova (Italia). L’elenco completo dei Responsabili del trattamento e dei terzi ai quali i Vostri dati potranno essere comunicati potrà essere richiesto alla nostra sede legale e amministrativa. I dati saranno trattati nel rispetto delle garanzie di riservatezza e delle misure di sicurezza previste dalla normativa vigente. Vi ricordiamo che avete diritto di conoscere, in ogni momento, quali sono i Vostri dati e come essi vengono utilizzati, nonché di farli aggiornare, integrare, rettificare o di chiederne la cancellazione, il blocco ed opporvi al loro trattamento se effettuato in violazione di legge, ai sensi dell’art. 7 del d. lgs. n. 196/2003 (ex art. 10 Legge n. 675/1996).

Via Giordano Bruno 30
16146 Genova - Italy
Tel.:+ 39 010.856.60.24
Mob.:+ 39 335.54.92.196
Fax:+ 39 010.420.66.985